Since the United States Supreme Court decided to revoke Roe v. Wade in June 2022, the decision left an estimated 36 million Americans without any federal protection of their fundamental reproductive rights. However, there are several large companies that support the reproductive rights movement through these difficult times. Many corporations – such as Apple, Amazon, and Dick’s Sporting Goods – have stepped up to support their employees who are affected by the ruling.
Apple, the world's top tech company, has been very vocal about their support by covering employees’ out-of-state travel expenses to receive medical care. This benefit has been available for Apple employees for over 10 years now, but more recently it has been extended to cover abortions. An Apple spokesperson has told CNBC, “As we’ve said before, we support our employees’ rights to make their own decisions regarding their reproductive health…”
Amazon, the second largest employer in the United States, said they would cover up to $4,000 annually for medical treatments and more specifically, abortions. This new benefit, introduced more recently in 2023, is available for both corporate and warehouse workers. The $4,000 benefit could allow Amazon’s employees to navigate strict state laws, while protecting the privacy of the workers by staying anonymous.
Dick’s Sporting Goods, an athletic gear retailer, has provided a $4,000 benefit as well for out-of-state travel expenses related to medical assistance. Not only is this benefit open for employees to use, but spouses and dependents enrolled on their medical plan can also take advantage of this policy. The president of Dick’s Sporting Goods, Lauren Hobart, said “We are making this decision so our teammates can access the same health care options, regardless of where they live, and choose what is best for them.”
As pro-choice advocates, we may always struggle against opposition and oppression, but there are many businesses that are allied with the fight for reproductive rights. These companies are creating a healthy environment and support system which is vital in times like these. Expanding benefits to cover funds, creating relief for the community, and speaking about the topic are some of the important approaches companies have taken to support an individual's right to choose.