Action from the biden harris admininstration
It has been a little bit over one year since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and the Biden administration has made significant efforts to safeguard and improve access to reproductive healthcare for all. In June 2023, the White House released a fact sheet outlining the Biden-Harris Administration’s unwavering commitment to defending reproductive healthcare. The article consisted of several key points:
Affordable Access to Contraception
The administration is actively working to make birth control more accessible and affordable for everyone, including teens. This includes expanding coverage under the Affordable Care Act, which will help reduce the financial burden of contraception.
Supporting Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Recognizing the importance of comprehensive sex education, the administration is advocating for evidence-based sexual education programs in schools. These programs will give teens the knowledge they need to make informed choices about their sexual health.
Telehealth Services
In a world where convenience and accessibility are paramount, telehealth services have become invaluable. The Biden administration is actively promoting telehealth options for reproductive healthcare services, which ensures that teens, especially those in rural or underserved areas, can access care more easily.
Protecting Access to Safe Abortion
The administration has reaffirmed its commitment to protect access to safe and legal abortions. They are working to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law to ensure that the right to choose remains protected.
Addressing Maternal Health Disparities
The Biden administration is dedicated to addressing racial disparities in maternal health care, ensuring that all individuals have access to quality care during pregnancy and childbirth.
Supporting Title X
The administration is strengthening the Title X family planning program, which provides essential healthcare services. These services include contraception and reproductive healthcare counseling for millions of individuals and teens.
Combating Gender-Based Violence
The White House is committed to addressing gender-based violence, which can impact reproductive health. They are working to ensure survivors have access to necessary healthcare and support services.
Fighting Discriminatory State Laws
The administration is opposing and challenging state laws that restrict access to reproductive healthcare, recognizing that these laws disproportionately affect marginalized communities.
The Biden-Harris administration's commitment to defending reproductive rights and ensuring access to reproductive healthcare is a significant step forward. As teenagers, we have the right to make informed choices about our reproductive health, and these efforts aim to provide us with the necessary resources and support. Stay informed about your rights and the services available to you. Remember that your voice and activism plays a crucial role in advocating for reproductive healthcare access for all!