100 Letters INITIATIVE

Our goal is to collect and write a total of 100 letters to send to legislators. But you might ask: what is a letter to an elected official and how can it help? Letters are great ways to advocate for reproductive rights. Citizens who feel passionate about certain subjects often write letters to elected officials. These letters can help influence how politicians construct their opinions and vote on certain laws. The more letters sent, the more likely citizens are to influence them. Although letters might feel a little outdated, they are a great way to communicate with legislators, as the physical presence of a letter feels more tangible and personal. This is a guide that lays out what to say in your letter and who to address it to.

How to Write a Letter Defending Reproductive Rights:

  • Step 1: Carefully select who you want to write to and research them. You should write a letter to your state representative and your state senator. Find the federal legislators from your state by searching in https://www.house.gov/ and https://www.senate.gov/. Each letter can only address one legislator at a time. 

  • Step 2: Begin the letter with a salutation: “Dear ______”. 

  • Step 3: In the first paragraph, make sure to identify the issue and state the court cases or bills involved. Try to include the exact name and number of the legislation. For example, if you are writing about the Women’s Health Act, you can cite the full name of the act: Women's Health Protection Act (S 1645 / HR 2975). Request that the legislator take a specific action regarding the bill (i.e. vote for or against). 

  • Step 4: In the second paragraph, you can make your letter personal. Relate the legislation at stake to your own issues, stories, and background, and identify yourself as a member of our organization, Teens For Choice.

  • Step 5: In the third paragraph, precisely reiterate what you want the legislator to do. Request a specific action on the bill (support, repeal, vote against, etc.). 

  • Step 6. When signing off, be sure to be appreciative and thankful. Add your signature to the letter. 

Make sure to write concisely, and the letter should be one page at most. When you’re drafting your letter, you can check out examples of pro-choice templates as well from the Religious Institute and the Unitarian Universalist Association

Help us reach our goal to make a change on the current state of reproductive rights. Email your letters to teens4choice@gmail.com and we will send them off. If you are interested in hosting a postcard party, NARAL Pro-Choice America’s postcard party toolkit is a great resource with a step-by-step guide. The more letters sent, the more we can multiply our impact and amplify our voices.

Source: https://www.ncra.org/home/get-involved/advocacy/Grassroots-Lobbying/Writing-Effective-Letters-to-Your-Legislators


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