A Quick Guide to Voting this Fall 2022

Primaries are around the corner and even if you are not 18 yet, there are many ways that you can get involved. Voting is extremely important these days to get a say in your community. Take Kansas, for instance. Women especially turned out in record numbers and voted together to keep abortion legal, and their new state constitution now reflects their beliefs and commitment to defending reproductive rights.  

If you are under 18, you can pre-register to vote. Read here about your states’ laws for pre-registration. If you are not eligible yet, you can also encourage your friends and family members to vote. You can refer them to this guide from Rock the Vote that includes all the information they need to know in order to register to vote and submit their ballots. 

However, if you are over the age of 18, you should get to the ballots as soon as you can. 

Each state requires different forms of identification, so make sure that you check ahead of time here. If you would like to request an absentee ballot, you can do so here. There are several abortion-related primaries coming up on November 8, in California, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, and Vermont. For more information on those primaries, learn more here.


The symbolism of green with the Pro-choice movement
